Creativity Resource

This is a mid-week mini-blog to pass along an incredible video by Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love--which I finally finished now that it's … [Read more...]

Satellite People

I spent the better part of today at our annual Book Fair...sellers, publishers, writers, and performers gather to celebrate the written word. Authors … [Read more...]

Birth as Creative Expression

This week, my daughter delivered twin boys. They have had to fight for their right to be on this planet as they landed about a month early. I gaze … [Read more...]

Let Me Introduce You

Let Me Introduce You I’ve written about how I receive or “catch” songs that seem to be traveling through the universe in search of a … [Read more...]

Introverts Unite

I just stumbled upon a quote from Anne Lamott in her wonderful book Bird by Bird, in which she says "If you are writing the clearest, truest words you … [Read more...]